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:: Ethics in publishing articles in this journal ::
 | Post date: 2017/10/23 | 
Ethics in publishing articles in this journal
International Journal of Applied Operational Research is committed to follow the standards and guidelines set out by COPE. The following is the useful link for our authors, reviewers, and editors: http://publicationethics.org
  1. The submitted manuscript or its content must not have been published in any other journals in the past or at the same time of sending to this journal, and if accepted in this journal, should not be presented or printed anywhere else in the future.
  2. The preparation of the article that is sent to this journal should be free of any intangible acts including plagiarism, distortion of the facts and results, and so forth. If the editorial staff has doubts about ethical issues, the author is allowed to respond to their charges and can request prompt and accurate processing.
  3. The list of authors' names should indicate exactly who did the research and who wrote the article. The mention of the corresponding author and colleagues in the article and the accuracy in the absence of unrelated names is necessary. The corresponding author of the article is the one who has been involved in the preparation, design, and execution of the paper and other writers are also referred to as collaborators in the article, and the original author of the article should ensure that the names and information of all the authors and the absence of a name other than the authors in the paper are guaranteed.
  4. The personal information of the authors of the articles is protected for everyone who has access to it such as the editor-in-chief of the journal, editorial staff, and the executive manager of the journal at any time.
  5. The articles submitted by the authors should be the work of the authors of the paper themselves, and any other use of the research of others should be cited by mentioning the sources in the article.
  6. Decisions on the articles are made at the editorial board meetings, and according to the comments of the editorial board an article is rejected or sent to reviewers.
  7. The editorial board should never interfere with the editorial boards’ decisions regarding their own articles sent to this journal.
  8. All papers received by the two reviewers will be judged without their knowledge of the names of the authors. The opinions of the reviewers after being summed up are reflected by the editor-in-chief's assistant to the author.
  9. The possibility of using the results of the research by others should be referenced, and if it is necessary to use the results, the author obtain written and explicit permissions by copy-right holders.
  10. The officials at this journal are allowed to sue any academic plagiarism and moral offenses committed by the author or the authors of the articles sent to this journal.
  11. The authors should keep the research ethics in mind in preserving human dignity and observing the rights of individuals in their field trials, laboratory research, questionnaires, and so forth.
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