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:: Volume 12, Issue 4 (10-2024) ::
2024, 12(4): 0-0 Back to browse issues page
Environmental productivity growth of selected Iranian economic sectors: A Malmquist Approach
A. Dehghani , F. Osmani
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences Shahrood University of Technology
Abstract:   (24 Views)
Evaluation of environmental efficiency has recently attracted an increasing interest. This paper focuses on environmental efficiency analysis and productivity growth of the economic selected sectors in Iran. These sectors are agriculture, oil, industry, transportation and domestic, commercial and public over the period 1997- 2014. For estimation environmental efficiency, data envelopment analysis (DEA) which is a mathematical programming based approach is used and to review the progress or regress environmental efficiency of each economic section Malmquist index is utilized. Labor and capital stock are used as inputs. Value added is considered as a desirable output and CO2 emissions as undesirable output. The empirical results show that the transportation sector survive a low level of environmental efficiency and agriculture and oil sectors have a good situation in this term. According to the results of growth analysis in selected sectors, despite fluctuations in different years, the average total factor productivity is generally associated with an increase. The largest increase productivity for the 1999-2000 can be seen in the oil sector, despite its technical efficiency in the overall economy swings for the whole period, there was not much change.

Keywords: Environmental Efficiency, Productivity growth, DEA, Malmquist Index
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
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Dehghani A, Osmani F. Environmental productivity growth of selected Iranian economic sectors: A Malmquist Approach. International Journal of Applied Operational Research 2024; 12 (4)
URL: http://ijorlu.liau.ac.ir/article-1-676-en.html

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Volume 12, Issue 4 (10-2024) Back to browse issues page
ژورنال بین المللی پژوهش عملیاتی International Journal of Applied Operational Research - An Open Access Journal
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